Walk alone, committing no sin, like an elephant in the forest 🐘

When is it due?

Bible Quiz

A section of text with Gothic script, apparently historical, mentioning a death by burning at the stake on July 1st, 1555, at Smithfield. A quote is given in red, "Oh, what am I, Lord, that thou shouldest thus magnify me?" Below the text is a Christian cross with a loop. The background is white and parts of letters from other words are slightly visible, indicating this is part of a larger document or display.


I'm not a bot, you're a bot

Oh you reply? I love this bot by the way ❤️

no not u <3

Me? In particular?

fuck u

Person smiling, cap, glasses, plaid shirt, easel, colorful palette, painting, palm trees, sunny day, outdoor setting. Hand holding plastic bags, elaborate fingernails with designs, silver rings, dark background. Spilled liquid, possibly oil, in various droplet sizes on a cloth. Edge of a metal or ceramic vessel with possible plant matter or dirt inside at the image's bottom right corner. Red and purple lighting, reflective surfaces, ambiguous interior space, moody atmosphere, possibly a nightclub or a themed event space, metallic and glossy textures, obscured objects, hints of furniture, blurred motion, and an intimate or secretive vibe. A series of digital download cards with unique codes, all with the same abstract blue design and text, directing to redeem the content at "bandcamp.com/yum". Each card features the title "Kiss The Future Pulse X" with a different alphanumeric redemption code below it. Middle-aged man, green polo shirt, white pants, outside, gesturing with hand, squinting, grass, trees, residential street. A sticker or poster adhered to a concrete surface, with a monetary growth claim from £0 to £5,000 at age 15. There’s a masked individual counting cash, a slogan "GET RICH, WITHOUT DYING," a quote at the bottom, and a QR code. The image appears to be part of an advertisement or promotional campaign. Man smiling, white long sleeve shirt, badge, khaki pants, white shoes, leaning on a tree, tree in a makeshift barrel planter, wall, foliage, casual pose.


White horses galloping, large human eye with the phrase “Mindset Minditude”, clouds, blue sky, and the text overlay “Literally the best and worst transitional period of my life I can’t even explain it”.


Blue sky, white cloud, bold white text with a playful message, questioning sanity and retorting with emotional location. ASCII art, rose, dots, stem, petals, leaf, digital, monochrome, simplicity, text-based visual art. Red light, transparent materials, reflections, text fragments, possibly a lamp or light fixture, glowing, circular patterns, intricate design. A badger with distinctive black and white face markings resting in a grassy area, with a visible copyright notice by Steve Jackson that states "Do not use for any purpose." I see a collection of various items displayed on a gray background, likely for scientific or educational purposes. The items are presented on six dark square platforms, three of which have a purple velvet-like covering.

On the top left, there is a golden object resembling a sheaf of wheat tied with a purple band. Below it is an intricate gold flower-like ornament with a purple string. To the right of these, on the bottom middle platform, is a metallic gold flower with a glistening texture against a black backdrop. 

On the top middle platform, there are several potato-like tubers grouped together. Directly above on the top right platform lies another botanical arrangement with similar texture to the golden objects, but in a natural brown and tan palette.

On the lower right lies a circular piece with a hexagonal pattern, possibly a natural mineral formation or a coral, with shades of reddish-brown and white. Adjacent to this, on the lower left platform, there are two elongated objects resembling white tubers beside the golden flower. 

The collection appears to represent some sort of thematic connection potentially related to botany, artistry, and natural patterns. A collection of decorative items arranged on a flat surface. The items include various bead necklaces, ornate objects resembling brooches or pendants, and two stylized, possibly metallic, floral designs mounted on square backings. They exude an artistic, handcrafted appeal, featuring rich textures and a mix of warm and neutral colors. Dog at computer, humorous text, meme-style image, desk, vintage-looking monitor, patterned backdrop, funny juxtaposition. Vivid colors, alien creature, organic forms, sharp teeth, humanoid skeletons, dark atmosphere, menacing posture, extraterrestrial design, biomechanical aesthetics, horror theme, dynamic composition, purple and red hues, textured brushstrokes, illustrative art style. Misty landscape, sheep grazing, cranes by water, serene, monochrome, pastoral, twilight or dawn, reflections, silhouettes, tranquil. A person wearing a hoodie with a Superman logo, a broken glass effect overlaid across the face, bare winter trees, and birds flying in the background. Text overlays with emotive statements about stories and darkness. Brown owl perched inside a wooden birdhouse, trees in the background, daylight, text "WildlifeKate" watermark. A smiling person in a furry hood making peace signs with both hands, artistic swirls and patterns around the head, a stylized bird-like creature at the bottom. A small rodent with large ears and eyes, light tan fur, a long tail, and prominent whiskers. It's standing against a black background. A grid of framed photographs depicting sceneries of rocky landscapes, grass, and a road, possibly reflecting a natural, rural area – each frame capturing a slightly different angle or portion of the landscape to create a larger, cohesive scene. A person wearing a variety of protest gear including a yellow helmet, goggles, a gas mask, and a black T-shirt. There are elbow and knee pads, lycra skin covers, and heat-resistant gloves. They also carry a backpack and have loose change. An umbrella and a red object suggestive of a flower are also present. The gear is described as being used for protection during protests, such as the ones in Hong Kong during the summer of 2019. The text next to each piece of gear explains its purpose, such as protection against rubber bullets, tear gas, and facial recognition technology, as well as for carrying supplies and navigating the city. A screenshot of a social media post with a profile picture of a person wearing sunglasses and a hat. The post includes text referencing an individual named Aaron Bushnell, mentioning an act of protest, and discussing issues related to Palestine and colonization. List of numbered philosophical statements, titled "The 21 PL Precepts," includes ideas about life, self-expression, God, emotion, equality, love, peace, reality, progress, perception, and maintaining balance between mind and matter. A screenshot of a social media story featuring a book with a purple cover titled "We Are Free to Change the World" by Lyndsey Stonebridge, which references Hannah Arendt's "Lessons in Love & Disobedience". There is a caption on the story that says, "Always important to have a good book to read when you're being deported". The image also includes the interface elements of the social media platform like the account username, time, wifi signal, battery level, and ways to interact with the story (message sending and like options).

The story of the birth of Jesus Christ in German

Overlaid grids and patterns on an aerial view of a densely built urban area; streets intersecting at right angles, patches of greenspaces, and blocks possibly indicating buildings or property divisions. The original photo is heavily altered with colorful, abstract digital effects. Sculptural figure emerging from an intricate lattice structure, shiny surface, hints of modern manufacturing or 3D printing techniques. Weathered wooden door boarded up, graffiti in black paint forming an acronym "REAL," each letter beginning a new line—"R.E.A.L. Is to keep 100 Reasons EveryonE Appreciates Life." A red square poster or sign adjacent to the doorway, all against a brick building façade with stone detailing.


F/S: Do you have any bit of advice you would tell a younger version of yourself (or new artists inspired by your work)? We all have a bit of wisdom to impart with time. PGF: Believe in yourself. Listen to a lot of music. Read a lot of books. Watch a lot of films. And, if possible, travel alone.

Text outlining "2 steps for boycotting Sparkasse," suggesting a switch to another bank and sending negative feedback to Sparkasse, citing issues such as racism, antisemitism, and hypocrisy related to social issues.


A stack of academic books on philosophy and critical theory, a houseplant in the background, the upper bookends of a shelf. Different colors and publishers, the words "HOMO SACER," "Derrida," some titles in Korean. A calm, studious atmosphere. Elaborate costume with intricate beadwork and patterns, head covered in a be Blurry image, person on fire, military uniform, emergency situation, intense flames


The content is a screenshot displaying a social media or web platform post. It attributes the post to an individual from Ireland, dated May 19, 2021. The stated text reads: 'IT IS NO MEASURE OF HEALTH TO BE WELL ADJUSTED TO A PROFOUNDLY SICK SOCIETY. A set of three doors is equipped with frosted glass, each featuring a word that collectively form the sentence 'my dreams they fade. Inside a car, you can see a person from the side, seemingly focused on the road ahead, as depicted by their hand positioning near a steering wheel. It looks like nighttime, and reflections or lights from nearby establishments or street lights illuminate the interior dimly with a bluish hue, indicating an urban setting. Artistic strokes and paint splashes in black and white appear prominently, suggesting a piece of abstract art. The white markings resemble Asian calligraphy but are abstracted beyond clear interpretation, giving a sense of expressive freedom and creative spontaneity. A divided backdrop suggests either a symbolic integration of two separate elements or merely a striking contrast providing depth to the composition.

understanding and progressive learning is still possible and mockery is almost the worst tool we have at our disposal for establishing mutual humanity between the indoctrinated consumer-groups we call electoral ‘political parties’

A luxurious gold necklace is clasped on a dark background. The piece is elaborate, featuring a golden chain complemented by a series of round and oval medallions. Each medallion is set with a distinct carved gemstone in a variety of colors such as green, purple, red, and grey, showcasing unique inscriptions or figures.

To find my purpose is my purpose

There is a post from a music sharing platform showcasing a song called 'Wide Open' by Colbie Caillat and also includes a partial view of the video thumbnail. A stylized representation shows a skeletal figure with large, dark angel wings. The figure is cloaked and poses with one hand near the face, while the other rests above a small, brightly illuminated flame situated at the center of the chest. A man with tattooed arms stands holding a cat with a very expressive face; the cat's front limbs appear limp as if fully relaxed or being held in a way that discourages movement. A red dragon is seated with a book opened in its lap, holding a pair of glasses near its face seemingly reading the book. A black or dark background permeates the scene overlaid with the text in gold which reads "I've been having these weird thoughts lately".





Icicles have formed on a vertical structure, creating an almost feather-like appearance. The skew and directionality suggest that wind played a role while the ice was forming. The structural components appear to include metal beams, some of which run horizontally, while others create a box-shaped framework, all thickly coated with ice. You are seeing a visual representation of audio data, commonly known as waveforms and spectrograms, displayed in a linear layout, which may indicate different aspects or components of the sound. Line A shows a waveform view which illustrates the amplitude of the sound waves over time. Line B seems to be a spectrogram reflecting the frequency content. Line C possibly indicates silence detection, with markers emphasizing spots with no significant audio. There is a distorted map of Earth showing various continents surrounded by ocean. The central part depicts North America with recognizable geographic features such as the Great Lakes, while to the east, a part of Africa and part of South America is visible. Displayed is a rectangular piece of what appears to be a monochromatic artwork mounted on a wall. The texture is quite prevalent, with numerous scratches and grooves inflicted on the surface, suggesting an intentional application for artistic effect. It has a reflective, metallic quality, perhaps indicative of material such as metal or foil. Visible is a shattered glass door or window with what appears to be sunlight beaming through it, casting a bright glow at some of the break points. The shattered rippled pattern suggests the glass is likely safety glass, designed to hold together even when broken. The storefront of a shop illuminated by bright lights at night is seen. A blue lit sign with the word "CLOUD9" in capital letters, likely a brand or shop name. Along the edge of the roof, directly beneath the sign, there is a blue light strip and spikes installed to deter birds. There is a strong light source near the ceiling, creating a lens flare effect in the visibility. There appears to be a digitally altered, blurry, and visually noisy representation of a skull wearing over-ear headphones. The image is radiating outwards with lines suggesting movement or motion, creating a somewhat unsettling and fragmented effect. It seems as though motion blur or a zoom burst photography technique might have been used to create this dynamic distortion.

Isaiah 3


The content is too distorted and blurry to make out specific details. It seems to have some colorful elements, possibly reflecting light with green, blue, yellow, and orange hues, but the blurry effect obscures any identifiable objects, people, or setting. Two pairs of legs and feet resting on the seat of a public transit vehicle, with shoes on. One set wears off-white cargo pants with white socks, paired with black and white athletic shoes. The other is clad in dark trousers with dark socks, along with solid black rugged-looking shoes. The vehicle interior is also visible, featuring patterned seat fabric and a window reflecting light from outside. A brick structure with arches surrounds a clear, circular body of water which appears to be a traditional pool or pond. Two individuals are leaning by the edge on the left, and one person is seen near a small passageway or tunnel that leads under the structure. The focus reflects a serene atmosphere most likely a part of a historical or cultural site.

...what the researchers found is that the average age of all cells in the human body is seven to 10 years. That doesn't mean the cells replace themselves every seven to 10 years. At the individual level, cell renewal happens at different rates in the body. Cells in our colon, for instance, are replaced every three to five days, but our muscle and fat cells can take up to 70 years to renew

Visible is a colorful artistic representation of various branching patterns found in nature. A person stands at the top of an arched structure, holding a flag with a horizontal tricolor design and a triangle juxtaposing the bands at the hoist.



Everyone's in Berlin till the music stops

A large, clear ice sculpture dangles from a chain attached to a metal hook, likely inside a workshop or delivery area. Good lighting accentuates the sculpture's transparency and smooth edges. In the background, a van featuring the word "GLACIAL ART" is visible, suggesting that the icy sculpture may have been produced or is being delivered by a company specializing in crafted ice pieces.

I wouldn't ask for anything you're not capable of giving

Embracing cartoon-style animals—which look to be versions of a rhinoceros and a unicorn—appear in the center, surrounded by reassuring words that read, "DON'T WORRY, YOU AND ME WON'T BE ALONE NO MORE." This text, written in red, conveys a positive, comforting message.


A jellyfish is resting on a bed of smooth pebbles and rocks, partially submerged in shallow water. Its body appears to be brown and spotted, and it seems to be contracting slightly, taking on more of a closed cup shape rather than lying completely flat.

thats asking alot rn

There is a blurred close-up view of a light source, likely an artificial light, given the orange-yellowish hue, causing a glow that dominates the frame. Visibility is further obscured by shadows and perhaps a close object or surface frome shadows interference, too poor utilisation of the camera's focus and exposure settings or swift movement might have caused this outcome, resulting is lack of distinguishable features. The focus seems to be on a blurred bright spot which could be a light source, possibly a flame, against a largely dark background with little to no discernible detail. The quality of the photo is poor and doesn't allow for a clear understanding of the environment in which this light source is present.

this wall is really important for the architecture in here

birth 5

birth 5

In the foreground, there is lush green grass containing various wildflowers, including dandelions, some of which have matured to the white, fluffy seed stage known as 'blowballs' or 'clocks'. Among them, yellow dandelion flowers can also be seen. In the center, there's a cluster of soap bubbles creating a foam formation, sitting on a brown terracotta-like surface. A A person is caught in the visual illusion of seeming to wear a tank top printed with the upper body of another person boasting tattooed arms. A metallic humanoid robotic structure, intricately detailed with a variety of tubes, wires, and mechanical components. Gloved hands, webbed tightly with what appears to be a complex weave of glossy red and black cables, cradle a sleek smartphone. The dense tangle of cords envelops the device, seemingly alive with technological intricacy. The background is a dark, solid color, providing a dramatic contrast that highlights the sinuous forms and reflective surfaces of the cables and the phone. A DJ mixing console or controller is creatively transformed into a miniature ecosystem, complete with green grass, miniature flowers and plants, all intricately placed among the knobs, sliders, jog wheels, and buttons that you would normally find on such a music device. This creates an interesting juxtaposition and concept that blends technology with nature. A highly detailed and complex mechanical figure is featured prominently with nuanced reflections of pink and other colors across its surface, inferring a chrome-like material. The central portion appears to have translucent components that glow with a vibrant emerald light, likely indicating an energy source or power core. The design aesthetics hint at advanced robotics or artificial intelligence. An intricately detailed chrome engine machinery with various metallic and reflective surfaces is depicted. Hues of purple and pink tints infuse the image, creating a vibrant contrast against the metal. Portrayed is a DJ mixer deck whimsically overlaid with vibrant green grass, diverse flowers, and fluttering butterflies. The mixer integrates numerous colorful buttons, sliders, and jog wheels—elements typical for manipulating audio tracks, though the natural overgrowth suggested here gives it an unusual, surreal appeal. A DJ mixing panel is creatively merged with elements of nature. Grass and dandelions grow out of it, and on it, smaller patches of moss impart a sense of overgrowth and abandonment. The knobs and sliders appear weathered yet striking against the contrasts of technology and nature.


An intricate network of white, squiggly structures interspread with lush green moss. The image is blurry and does not provide clear details, making it difficult to accurately identify the picture's content. Based on the visual clues, It appears to be a pale circular shape that might be a petri dish containing a blue medium with lighter irregular structures distributed across it, which could potentially be bacterial colonies. Looking out from the interior of a vehicle, the view is partially obscured by multiple reflections and possibly dirt on the windshield. Sunlight casts reflected images and glare onto the windshield, highly prominent on the left. A variety of black audio speakers are displayed, seemingly arranged as part of a surround sound system, typically used in a home entertainment setup. A whimsical scene captures an extravagant number of Pomeranian dogs with alert expressions and fluffy coats seemingly packed onto a train carriage. A person is wearing ripped denim pants and checkered yellow and white shoes with the left shoe clearly visible in the foreground. The right hand is placed on a surface, grasping what appears to be a wrinkled structure that might be fabric or some other material. A robotic device with a blue and white design, labeled with "POLICE," the NYPD (New York Police Department) emblem, and the words "Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect" appears prominent in the forefront. It's equipped with blue lights akin to those on police cars. Advertisements featuring images of people are partially visible in the background. A pair of crossed legs clad in blue tie-dyed jeans and wearing chunky off-white sneakers are prominently displayed, while in the background, the dark marble floor with various black and green hues where blurry movements suggests the restlessness of possibly an airport or a similarly busy venue with feet wearing other colorful sneakers passing by. There are two legs crossed at the ankles resting on a bus seat. The person is wearing black, high top boots with laces, black pants, and sporting what appears to be a smartphone or other partly visible items nestled beside the seat. A man is crouched on the ground amid rubble and wreckage. Several damaged buildings form the backdrop, with visible destruction to their structural integrity. A barren tree stands prominently in the foreground, its branches splayed out chaotically. A hand holds a photograph of a child amidst a backdrop of destruction with collapsed buildings and debris. People stand and sit on the piles of rubble, and works seem ongoing with many observers around. The color in the scene focuses on the photograph, which also appears dirty and worn, suggesting a personal memory amidst the chaos of the environment. A cartoonish yellow face displaying an exaggerated wary or surprised expression. It has one large eye squinting inward from the right side, with a large white space to represent the eye area, about one-third of the entire sphere. A murky swamp is shown with a green, algae-covered surface of water. Majestic trees with gnarled roots appear to be rising from the water, stretching their contorted limbs skyward, ornamented with hanging moss. A stylized cartoon character resembling an anthropomorphic black cat is presented, showcasing oversized ears, exaggerated expressions with a broad, red-lipped smile showcasing sharp white teeth, white gloves on its hands, and an outgoing, possibly mischievous stance. Its eyes are large with pronounced white outlines that highly contrast its black fur. There are numerous rosehips attached to thin branches prominently visible. The background is hardly noticeable but includes what seems to be a wooden surface, potentially a table or similar, and some indistinct metallic or ceramic objects. The photographed items give an autumnal or naturalistic feel. There are people extending their arms towards a dark cylindrical object with what appears to be turnstile arms. Each person is wearing a wristband on their arms. Above the dark turnstile-like structure, bags are placed, one looking like a duffle bag. A blurred person with dark hair is present; the face is not distinctly visible due to motion blur or a similar visual effect causing smearing across the image. The background is too obscure to derive any detailed information. An animated character that resembles a red monkey with large eyes and a round antenna on its head is holding treats with smiley faces.

I feel something today


A figurine depicts a maternal representation of nature, personified as a female entity with green leafy hair and whispers of plants and leaves making up its form. With a content smile, she holds a spherical depiction of the Earth close to her chest, evoking a sense of protection and nurturing. A group of people in formal attire are assembled in front of a jet aircraft, focusing their attention towards the center of the assembly, where an individual in white traditional ceremonial robes is standing, with their back to the camera. The aircraft visible features stealth characteristics and a twin-tail design, suggesting it is a modern military fighter jet. A profile silhouette of a person exhaling smoke appears against a dark background with the words "Rauchen erhöht das Risiko zu erblinden," which translates from German to "Smoking increases the risk of blindness." A person wears an elaborate, sculptural costume with expansive, crystalline shapes radiating outward, reminiscent of natural forms like ice or glass. This might represent a fashion showpiece with avant-garde or artistic design. The headpiece has a smooth, obsidian-like helmet from which the spiny, translucent forms burst forth. There are two arched windows set within a stone wall, each window adorned with an ornate iron scrollwork design. The scrollwork features a spiral pattern at the top, integrating security bars that extend down the windows. Both windows reflect this mirrored design, contributing to the architecture's symmetry and decorative appeal. A rabbit is wearing oversized black glasses which appear humorously large for its face. The way the glasses sit on its nose gives the rabbit a scholarly or intellectual appearance. A red poster with large black text that reads "GLOBAL SOUTH UNITED." Additional text on the poster indicates it is an advertisement for a "MASS PROTEST" scheduled for "28.10.2023," You are looking at a digitally generated image with a stylized symmetrical design centered around a fantastical pink and white entity that resembles a mix of a dragon and fox face with long, sharp ears or horns. The visage features intricate designs with what would appear to be scale patterns and possibly symbol-like figures on the forehead. The photo captures a lush green setting with overgrown plants surrounding an ornate metal fence. The antiquated, pattern-laden fence holds remnants of past grandeur but is overtaken by climbing leaves and other flora, spotlighting nature trekking over human-made structures. A heap of small, shiny, pearl-like items appears like a mound of individual translucent spheres clumped together. They could be tapioca pearls, sago, or something similar cooking ingredients that are used in various puddings and sweet dishes worldwide. An out-of-focus figure appears prominently, looking to be a depiction of Batman due to the recognizable silhouette with pointed ear details on the cowl and a sweeping cape. A surreal artwork featuring a human figure is central; however, this figure doesn't seem average or organic. It shows an illustration of a humanoid form with a head resembling an open cubical structure, revealing an intricate maze-like design inside where usually the brain would be. An individual appears to be climbing or navigating a vertical pathway composed of large, rough-hewn stone steps or boulders. Each of these stones is suspended by what seem to be steel cables or wires that attach the rocks and run diagonally, giving the structure stability. The background is plain, suggesting fog or an overcast sky, making the setting or location ambiguous. Blurred figures and streaks of bright light suggest movement and a possibly busy setting, similar to traffic at night or an urban area with passersby and moving vehicles, resulting in long-exposure photographic effects.

• ...---""""""---... .:::::. _.-' '-._ .::::::::::::::::' ^^ , '-. . .:::''''::::::::' , _/(_ ^^ '. ':::' .' _/(_ {\\\\ , '. / {\\\\ /;_) _/(_ \\ / , /;_) =='/ <===<<< {\\\\ \\ / _/(_ =='/ <===<<< \\__\\ , /;_) \\ / {\\\\ \\__\\ , `` _/(_=='/ <===<<< \\

A large leaf, predominantly brown with some green hues, is lying on a rough, pebbled surface interspersed with small patches of moss. Water droplets have settled on the leaf indicative of recent rain or morning dew. A fallen birch tree with patches where the bark has been stripped away, revealing the underlying wood. The tree trunk is lying across grass and leaves on the ground, indicating a natural outdoor environment. A man in dark clothing is holding two guns and firing downwards from what appears to be an elevated platform. He has an intense expression as if he's engaging in a dangerous situation. Around him are sparks and the image has hues of orange and yellow, suggesting an explosion or burst of flames in the background. The style looks like it could be from a video game or stylistically altered to mimic such, with somewhat dated graphics. The presented scene seems to be an abstract representation of a face, distinguished by areas depicting eyes, a nose, and mouth, set against a textured, mottled background resembling rust-like corrosion. Akin to a painting or digitally altered artwork, this visual carries a murky and somewhat haunting ambiance. On the screen, there's a combination of ASCII art - a form of creating pictures through the use of characters from the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character set. Below the ASCII art is a section of a developer's web tool showing CSS code related to font styling.

____ __ ,-----. ___ _ \\ \\ / /.' .-, '. .' | | | \\ _. / '/ ,-.| \\ _ \\ | .' | | _( )_ .'; \\ '_ / | :.' '_ | | ___(_ o _)' | _`,/ \\ _/ |' ( \\.-.| | |(_,_)' : ( '\\_/ \\ ;' (`. _` /| | `-' / \\ `"/ \\ ) / | (_ (_) _) \\ / '. \\_/``".' \\ / . \\ / `-..-' '-----' ``-'`-'' ____ .-------. .-''-. .' __ `. | _ _ \\ .'_ _ \\ / ' \\ \\| ( ' ) | / ( ` ) ' |___| / ||(_ o _) / . (_ o _) | _.-` || (_,_).' __ | (_,_)___| .' _ || |\\ \\ | |' \\ .---. | _( )_ || | \\ `' / \\ `-' / \\ (_ o _) /| | \\ / \\ / '.(_,_).' ''-' `'-' `'-..-' _______ ___ _ ,---------. .-''-. / __ \\ .' | | |\\ \\ .'_ _ \\ | ,_/ \\__) | .' | | `--. ,---'/ ( ` ) ' ,-./ ) .' '_ | | | \\ . (_ o _) | \\ '_ '`) ' ( \\.-.| :_ _: | (_,_)___| > (_) ) __ ' (`. _` /| (_I_) ' \\ .---. ( . .-'_/ )| (_ (_) _) (_(=)_) \\ `-' / `-'`-' / \\ / . \\ / (_I_) \\ / `._____.' ``-'`-'' '---' `'-..-'

A person appears to be emerging or diving through an oversized wooden toolbox which is placed on what seems to be the parapet of a building. The foreground contains a figure shrouded in black that overlaps onto the scenery of an old, stone-built gothic edifice showing arches and apparent ruins. A person is seen standing and holding an object that appears to be a parcel box. They are captured from a high angle as if taken from a security camera. A highly detailed, futuristic and ornate gun with complex mechanical parts and a glow that looks like it could be part of a high-end computer generated graphic for a science fiction theme. A digitally created or artistically enhanced gothic-style cathedral interior is featured; displaying an elaborate architecture composed of flying buttresses, pointed arches, and intricate patterns with a focus on vertical lines that accentuate the height and grandeur of the structure.


The scene looks like it is filled with haze or fog, which could potentially be artificial, like that produced by a fog machine at an event. A person is holding onto a post or pillar, though visibility is quite limited. A person clad in an outfit resembling a leopard, appears ostentatiously decorated with face paint and accessories. The ensemble showcases vibrant colors, whimsical patterns, and an eye-catching headdress with feathers. A lofty perspective showcases sunlight streaming through a high canopy of verdant leaves, where the bright rays converge dazzlingly whilst breaking through a gap. Contrasting against this natural backdrop, a flowy, ethereal white fabric elegantly ascends towards the light, appearing as if caught tenderly by the breeze—an element transforming the forest opening into a spirited, almost celestial dappiatto. A dense collection of crosses of varying sizes and designs dominates the scene, seemingly blanketing a mound with a staircase running through the middle. A person's hand, wearing a red glove, is holding an object that resembles a large, transparent jellyfish against a black backdrop. The object has an intricate structure mimicking a jellyfish's body with a dome-shaped bell and flowing tentacles. A translucent figure wearing a high-neck top that blends with the expansive green field and blue sky behind it, stands amidst a few red flowers, seemingly tulips. The content depicts a rhythmic and dynamic costume constructed with elements that resemble bones and skulls, mingled with intricate beading and string elements, against a dark background. An open palm with fingers splayed is displayed against a subtly patterned dark background. The wrist leads to the opened hand where all five fingers are clearly visible. The lines on the palm are also conspicuous, and the skin tone appears pale.

Handroanthus impetiginosus

Peeling and torn layers of old, worn-out wallpaper or paper-like material are attached to a wall. The underlayers show different textures and discoloration, suggesting age and exposure. There appear to be scattered shadows of branches and leaves, along with some areas of diffused sunlight filtering through, casting patterned effects that look veiny or crackled, much like a dry river bed. A domestic cat is lying comfortably on a striped fabric. It appears relaxed and cozy, with its eyes partly closed, looking slightly off-camera, which suggests a state of rest or the beginning of a nap. The room's low lighting suggests it might be evening or inside a dimly lit space. The focus and affect support a calm, intimate atmosphere. It appears to be an abstract composition of an object with shimmering, translucent qualities similar to crushed glass or ice with an intricate, broken pattern throughout, against a crinkly dark background that gives the sense of being textured fabric or some kind of wrinkled material. Six stylized panels show abstract representations of what appears to be a figure in different stances. The diffused light and dark outlines evoke a sense of movement or transformation. Each figure variation is composed of simple shapes enhanced with a glowing effect, increasing in clarity from a vague, blob-like presence to a distinct humanoid shape with arms and legs visible. A person's face is obscured by a translucent fabric that clings to the skin, contouring to the features like the nose, lips, and cheeks, and giving the surface a rippled and textured appearance. A network of thin strands creates a web-like structure, appearing predominantly light in color with shades of grayscale incrementally blending to darker areas at the irregularly-shaped intersections. A striking natural scene with multiple lightning bolts breaking through a dark thunderstorm sky, seen from over the crest of a gently sloping sand dune. The scene shows the convergence of the powerful force of a thunderstorm contrasted with the calm, textured surface of the rippled sandy foreground. A glossy metallic sculpture with an abstract form is displayed. It has several flowing and curved protrusions creating an organic yet inorganic appearance. The finish of the object is reflective, casting highlights and showing a reflection of its environment on its surface. The design is smooth, with no distinct features other than its fluid shape, conveying a contemporary or futuristic artistic style. Large pieces of translucent fabric are suspended in an outdoor setting, likely hung from tree branches, rippling gently in a spacious configuration. A figure appears backlit by the sun, with the sun's rays creating a flare effect around them. The figure is out of focus and silhouette-like, with one hand seemingly obscured by the glare, and only two visible fingers other-hand reaching towards the sunshine. The background features what seems to be clear skies and possibly the edge of some foliage obstructed by intense light diffraction. A large dog with a broad snout and open mouth is pictured. Its tongue is lolling out, and a set of white teeth, including canines, is visible. The dog seems to be smiling or panting, and its nose is prominent and moist. There's an abstract blurred vision of a human-like figure that appears ghostly. It's rendered in a way that features are suggested rather than clearly defined—an evocative impression of a head and neck, with no specific details discernible. Overcast skies loom over a serene beach, where greyish clouds break just enough to allow beams of sunlight to peek through. The sea meets the shore calmly with gentle waves, and a steep cliff flanks the beach on one side, creating a rugged and dramatic contrast to the soft beach sands. The atmosphere suggests a mood of quiet introspection or a calm before a brewing storm. The picture showcases a LEGO set package titled "HUMAN BODY" designed to resemble a classic anatomical model constructed from various colored LEGO bricks to depict muscles, bone structure, and internal organs.

Spiral vessel

A tree with its trunk creatively wrapped in spirals of snow stands prominently against a wintery backdrop, highlighted by the bright sunlight. The frozen ground and other trees also blanketed in snow suggest a chilly, serene setting, possibly during the late afternoon hours, given the illumination angle.

Harr hart

A person holds in their hand a circular-shaped object that appears to be crafted from a series of spikey protrusions emanating outward.

My turtle tears

There are two scenes of tortoises with butterflies on and around their heads. There are two pairs of feet wearing sneakers; one pair in white and black sneakers with pink socks and the other in black sneakers with black socks, both are rested on a grey and black patterned seat. Graffiti is observed on a wall with various colors in the background, including greens and creams. The text appears to defame law enforcement with a message stating disapproval of police that extends from Athens to Helsinki. A screenshot of a social media post with a black background features text and various emojis. Yellow faces appear at the top expressing surprise, with text beneath them spelling out, "Eartheater is just Vesta of Berlin !?"
    followed by emojis that suggest thoughtfulness and distress. Below this text, there's a graphic of a skull with the
    top shattering apart, possibly indicating astonishment or mind-blow.


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A person is experiencing sparks and small fragments emitting in their direction. A There are bright flames engulfing pieces of wood and paper within a metal or stone containment structure, which appears to be a fireplace or a stove. Some of the materials inside, specifically a carton container, can be partially seen through the flames as they burn.

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A blue and black butterfly with its wings slightly open is perched atop a rough surface. The prominent blue patches on the wings stand out against the otherwise dark coloration of the butterfly. The image is blurry, making detailed identification or analysis difficult. A hand is holding a smartphone with a bright, nearly white screen. The phone appears to be an iPhone, recognizable by the circular home button at the bottom of the screen. The scene includes a wooden utility pole centered closely in the foreground, equipped with electrical and communication wires, with some transformers and excess looping cables attached. In the background on is suburban housing with prominent characteristics like front porches, peaks, and a white picket fence. A man is wearing a humorously designed backpack that resembles the character "Teletubby" from the children's
    television series. A stylized illustration depicts a dark-colored mouse standing on a ground that looks like crumpled paper or fabric strips, filled with earthen tones suggestive of fall or decay. The mouse’s silhouette is shown in a side profile and appears to be gazing up at a bright yellow sun. In the foreground, there's a frosted mug featuring the logo of Andechs monastery brewery established in 1455. Covered in condensation, it suggests a cold beverage is inside. On the table with a red and black tartan pattern, there is also a glass of what appears to be white wine sitting behind the mug.

Rock 'em out the park Maybach drive itself so I don't got to park Upgrade my jewelry, my watch is up to par We gon' hit the head and watch the body fall I'm goin' ghost, I ain't taking no more calls That pussy pop, gotta give her her lil' 'plause I want his top, gave the brodie them a job If I put it up, we forever livin' large We'll be okay if we make it to tomorrow

Smorgasbord infinity

A pair of high-heeled shoes are adorned with a distinctive pattern resembling a printed circuit board. Components such as capacitors, resistors, traces, and integrated circuits are depicted, creating a unique synergy between fashion and technology. An artistic collage resembling clothing, particularly a robe or perhaps a traditional eastern garment (a kimono or similar), is created from a patchwork of computer circuitry boards. A close-up of someone's open mouth shows their lips and teeth. One tooth, in particular, seems discolored or possibly decayed, it has a significantly different color - yellow and dark spots - compared to the surrounding white teeth.

Green circle sunrises

A smiling person is standing with a large leaf on their head which nearly covers the whole upper part of the body, making it look almost like a strange costume or whimsy headwear.

Sleep well my little moonchild

The image showcases an imaginative character, reminiscent of a humanoid figure morphing or blending with qualities of marine life, such as a jellyfish or octopus. A close-up of a face with unusual features, seeming to showcase an otherworldly or alien appearance, is presented. The skin tone is pale with a blue tint, lending to its ethereal aesthetic. Accentuated by minimal features – suggesting no major visible traditional nose or visible pupils – the presentation conjures a sense of eeriness and detachment.

Gloomy heart aches while the wind whispers

The centerpiece is a ghost-like figure with unmistakable facial features common in cartoon depictions—three rounded shapes forming the eyes and the mouth emanate a mixture of innocence and melancholy.

I love u my rotten butterfly wing

An open, fantastical object spills out an assortment of surreal mechanical-organic shapes which can resemble a bizarre interpretation of inner anatomical organs. They are glossy and intertwined; notable elements appear semi-organic and compulsively detailed—an otherworldly fusion of the biological and the mechanical that suggests living mechanisms.

Mellow moon desert seeking

Captured at a tranquil moment, we see undulating sandstone formations illuminated by the warm glow of the waning sunlight.

Earthangel calling for a sun kiss

A haunting and surrealistic interpretation in shades of blue and black is depicted. Center stage, the vibrant blue face with a neutral expression reminiscent of the sun dominates, surrounded by a burst of wavy, flowing strands reaching outward like solar flares or the tentacles of an anemone.

My spiral body

Several metal rods blurred in such a manner are configured in complex three-dimensional shapes appearing to be interconnected polygons or a geometric sculpture. The surfaces reflect light, creating soft flares at various connection points. The rods have a smooth, reflective finish, adding to the image's abstract, artistic quality.


A snail with a shiny, greenish golden shell is shown traveling across what seems to be a wet surface. Centered in the artwork is a large, radiant eye with brownish gold tones; the pupil appears to be a fiery element. Long, straight rays emanate from the eye, suggesting intensity or divinity. There are reflective, golden and silver dripping fluids captured mid-air against a deep blue background. The fluids have a metallic sheen to them, spawning various organic shapes and patterns as they seem to be undergoing freefall or splash dynamics. The distribution and lighting on the fluids produce a striking contrast with their background.


A fantastical mechanical figure is at the center of focus, with a humanoid face featuring metallic and robotic attributes. It is ensconced in spheres of metal with open segments revealing similar faces inside them.


A brown dog with a humorous facial expression is in view. The dog's mouth is open, tongue out, and eyes are wide, giving the appearance that it might be in motion or taken mid-shake, which often results in a playful and distorted look. A fluffy white toy dog is adorned with an oversized knit hat flopped to one side and completed with a pom-pom on top. It features large, dark, beady eyes, a round black nose, and is fitted with a matching knit bow tie or scarf under its chin. The scene depicts two figures standing in the dark, silhouetted against glowing orange flames that are visible at the base of the scene. A green frog is visible with large, prominent black eyes, and its skin appears translucent in certain areas, exposing some internal features. It is on a substrate that looks like a mix of jewel with green moss or lichen spread across it, maybe indicating a damp environment. An abstract black ink design with curvilinear motion dominates the view. There appears to be a kitten looking upwards, but the one intriguing thing about it is the presence of wings on its back, resembling an angelic figure. The quality of the image is quite poor and blurry, making the details hard to distinguish. That's a close-up view of a Pomeranian dog with a fluffy light brown coat. The dog is looking directly towards the viewer, showing its tiny sharp teeth slightly, giving it a somewhat sneaky or playfully mischievous expression. A hand is holding a large orange bucket with the label "Fireball Party Bucket" which also states it contains 20 50-mL bottles. On the bucket, there's an image of a devil or demon figure, invoking a fiery theme. There are instructions that say 1. BUY 2. ADD ICE 3. PARTY! A sculpture or art installation is depicted, portraying a floating female form with an oversized hood-like garment covering the bodice and head. The face is visible, looking upwards, serene, with a metallic sheen.


A bright orange, furry seal stands out in the foreground, surrounded by numerous black seals, all presumably lounging on a rocky coastline. The orange seal looks quite peculiar, likely due to a rare condition causing the unique color of its fur. Behind and around this unusual creature is a crowd of the common black counterpoints, some looking directly towards the camera, others interacting with each other or ignoring the intrusion upon their gathering.